LiveCorp - Research and Development Corporation for Live Export
Communications support to increase community awareness of live animal exports and LiveCorp’s resources.
This initiative between LiveCorp and The Livestock Collective focuses on the creation of communication resources that enhance public awareness of, and confidence in, live exports. Additionally, it supports the efforts of TLC to disseminate genuine and transparent information regarding the livestock export supply chain to the general public.
This is realised through the effective distribution of information via various channels, including social media platforms, organised events, and informative presentations. The ongoing collaboration between the Livestock Collective and LiveCorp is focused on addressing public concerns and fostering a more informed dialogue about the live export industry.
Community Sentiment
A series of national surveys has been conducted to understand the Australian community’s views on live exports, allowing the industry to start a fresh conversation about how it’s responding to the issues that matter most.
Australia should stop the export of live animals to overseas markets regardless of the impacts on Australian farmers.
The key drivers of the community’s acceptance in live exports are:
TRUST IN THE INDUSTRY - The more people trust live exports, the more they accept it. Drivers of trust include industry responsiveness and regulation.
ANIMAL WELFARE STANDARDS - Treatment of animals in line with Australian standards
IMPORTANCE OF THE INDUSTRY OVERSEAS - Contribution to nutrition, diet, and food security
OVERALL VALUE PROPOSITION - A combination of welfare standards, acceptance of mortality, importance overseas and benefits to Australian farmers
There is strong recognition of the benefits of live exports in Australia and overseas.
Live Export Regulation Animation
A gap was identified in age appropriate resources for school children. It was suggested that an animation be created to provide education resources that teachers could use in the classroom. A live export animation was developed explaining the live export supply chain, regulations and importance to importing countries.
Educational resources were developed in conjunction with the animation to assist teachers to have positive conversations about the industry with students.
Access the downloadable teacher resource
Live Export Virtual Reality Tour
The headsets are a great education resource and have been used to educate those within the industry, the general public and school kids.
The Livestock Collective has continued to work with LiveCorp to update the resources and information available to the public about live exports. Virtual reality (VR) headsets provide users with an interactive, immersive experience of the live export supply chain, with new footage collected to represent management and regulatory changes made in the industry over recent years and to capture more of the supply chain. New headsets were launched at The Livestock Collective stand at the Perth Royal Show in 2023 along displays including a map of the supply chain, the live export animation, and LiveCorp resources and flyers.
The VR tour encompasses the whole supply chain starting on farm and flowing through to discharge overseas. As part of this project our 360 web based tour was also updated.
Breeder Collective - Supply Chain
The breeder project was jointly funded by LiveCorp and exporter Austrex to share raw and authentic stories about the value and purpose of the breeder export supply chain to the wider community, including its role in supporting farmer in regional areas of South-East Australia. The goal was to provide educational content to communicate different beliefs and cultures including why the live export of high-value breeders is an important part of food security measures for Australia’s importing partners.
4 - Markets and Destination - Ian Bradshaw
Australia has high quality cattle, free from many of the animal diseases seen overseas, which helps to meet the protocol requirements of importing countries. Listen to Vet Ian talk about his experiences in providing appropriate care to breeding animals in Australia and overseas.