We have compiled a set of resources that provide in-depth details about each part of the live export supply chain. Please visit these websites for more information.
Animation Video
Learn about the Livestock Export Supply Chain from source to destination country. Regulation is an important consideration throughout the live export process. Watch this animation to learn more.

LiveCorp works with the industry to support ongoing improvements in animal health and welfare, supply chain efficiency and market access, through investments in research, development and extension (RD&E) and support in the countries that receive Australian cattle, sheep and goats. (Add Factsheets and Infographics)

Red Meat Green Facts
The Australian red meat industry is not just ‘green’ in our care for the environment – we are sustainable, we care for our livestock and play an important role in Australian communities and global nutrition. The Red Meat, Green Facts website provides facts on the red meat and livestock industry using evidence-based information to inform the community on topics such as the environment, animal welfare, and nutrition.

Australia Good Meat
Good Meat is an online platform created by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) on behalf of the red meat and livestock industry. It provides important information about cattle, sheep and goat production in Australia, focusing primarily on animal welfare, protecting the environment and health and nutrition.

The Woolmark Learning Centre
The Woolmark Learning Centre is a digital platform which provides unprecedented access to wool industry knowledge, resources and programs. The resource is shared globally, promoting education, expertise and specialisation at every stage of the wool supply chain.

Learn About Wool
Learn About Wool education resources are helping teach primary and secondary students about the unique and natural benefits of Australian wool.
The extensive classroom resources describe in detail the on-farm production, processing, marketing and fashion aspects of Australia’s natural fibre.

Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL)
The Australian Standard for the Export of Livestock (ASEL), last updated in November 2023 governs all aspects of livestock preparation from the selecting of animals through to the point of discharge in market. These standards incorporate every facet along the supply chain and govern the requirements for the export of livestock.

Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS)
The Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) framework was first implemented in July 2011 and as of January 2013 applies to Australian livestock exported for feeder and/or slaughter purposes. ESCAS was designed to improve the welfare of exported Australian livestock and has delivered significant and extensive changes within the industry.

Australian Livestock Exporters Council (ALEC)
The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) is a member-based, peak industry body representing Australia’s livestock export sector.
ALEC is responsible for setting industry policy, providing strategic direction and representing Australia’s livestock export trade both nationally and across the world.

Sheep Producers Australia (SPA)
SPA helps producers achieve the high standards customers demand by working to develop science- based sheep health and welfare policy and programs. We work with our service providers to manage endemic disease and biosecurity risks on- farm, improve welfare outcomes and minimise the risk of exotic diseases entering Australia.

Cattle Council of Australia – Animal Health, Welfare & Biosecurity
Australian producers have always been aware of their responsibilities for livestock welfare; however, increasing awareness among consumers is placing significant pressure on our livestock industries to improve animal welfare. The development of welfare standards and guidelines underpins access to overseas markets and reinforces Australia’s international leadership in livestock welfare. Without such change Australia risks losing consumer confidence and significant national and international markets.

The Australian Beef Sustainability Framework
The Framework defines what ‘sustainable beef production’ looks like in practice and annually tracks how the industry is performing over a series of indicators.It was developed by the Australian beef industry in 2017 to meet the changing expectations of customers, investors, and other stakeholders.

The Sheep Sustainability Framework
The Sheep Sustainability Framework defines sustainable sheep production in Australia, prioritises industry issues and measures industry performance against relevant indicators.
The Sheep Sustainability Framework is unique in that it is a food and fibre framework. It encompasses the value chain for Australian sheep meat and wool – from farm to fork and sheep to shelf.
Learn more about The Framework and the meaning of sustainable sheep meat and wool production from our Australian industry stakeholders and customers.

Meat and Livestock Australia
MLA invests in research, development and marketing activities to foster the long-term prosperity of the Australian red meat and livestock industry. MLA is a non-profit organisation primarily funded through livestock transaction levies and matched Government research funding. Through its subsidiary companies, MLA also accelerates innovation across the red meat supply chain and delivers the industry’s integrity and on-farm quality assurance programs.