AWI and TLC announce partnership
30 August, 2023
The Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) and The Livestock Collective (TLC) have today announced a Partner Program to be launched in Western Australia (WA). The partner program will focus on understanding the needs of wool producers in the different areas of WA and feed this important regional focused information into the extension network programs and capacity building projects.
Managing Director of The Livestock Collective, Dr Holly Ludeman said the partnership draws on the TLC network and is an opportunity to look at what WA needs and how extension can be done differently.
Livestock leaders make your voice heard
30 August, 2023
The livestock industry is taking storytelling to the next level with a two day capacity building workshop on the 10th and 11th of October ahead of the 2023 KPCA GenOffGrid Conference in Broome.
The goal of the workshop is to build the capacity of current supply chain champions involved in livestock production and help them create, engage, defend and promote the production of livestock.