AUSVEG Collaboration

How important is the Horticultural industry?

There’s a lot to learn about Australian vegetables! Number 1 on the list is how passionate veggie growers are!! @Velishafarms

Supply Chain Awareness

How do veggies get to your plate?  Be prepared to rethink what you think you know about the horticulture industry!

What is a vertically integrated supply chain

Patane Produce is a great example of a modern day horticultural enterprise. In addition to producing vegetables for the local market, Patane Produce controls the supply chain from farm to port and has supply chains established in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

Listen to cattle buyer Matt!

What are the biggest challenges - Belinda Frentz

This video opens the doors to the biggest challenges faced by the horticultural industry today. When the public is aware of and understands industry challenges research indicates that they are more likely to trust that industry.

Food and Safety Compliance

It is important for all those in the industry to follow the rules and regulations to ensure the products reach the next stage of the supply chain. Patane Produce outline a number of programs that they must adhere to when producing vegetables to ensure food safety.

How big is the WA horticulture industry?

Patane Produce is a leading WA supplier of carrots, potatoes, onions, and broccoli to major international, national, and local markets.This video gives viewers an insight into the horticultural industry in WA.

5 - How big is the WA horticulture industry?

Patane Produce is a leading WA supplier of carrots, potatoes, onions, and broccoli to major international, national, and local markets.This video gives viewers an insight into the horticultural industry in WA.